This weekend it's time for the final in Swedish Cup in 1/10 Electric Buggy 2WD and 4WD, starting with 2WD today saturday.
The race is held in Swedens first permanent indoor clay track in south of Sweden in a village called Onslunda, Tomelilla. The clay looks a bit as the Neo surface at Harper Adams.
Yesterday it was practice all day, and David who had been here a couple of weeks ago had his setup almost ready, and he drove really fast laps with both 2WD and 4WD.
Qualification 1
David started as car 4, and drove really good and passing the cars in front. A few laps from finish he mas two mistakes and lost 8-10 seconds, but still maintained his leading position. His best laptimes was 0,9 better than the second car.
Qualification 2
In the second round he started first and keept his lead the whole round even with super smooth driving he was the first driver in 13 laps.
Qualification 3
In the 3rd round he made alot of mistakes for some reason and drop down to 8th, but drove up to and finished as 4.
Qualification 4
In the last qualification round David made a mistake in the beginning and lost 2 seconds, but after that he drove really fast and made a new track record at 23:4 and finished with a ned 13 lap round.
So with 3 of 4 winning qualifications he got TQ in the class.
A-Main 1
In the first final David had a good start and keept the leading for half of the finale, then he did a mistake and got upside down so the second car could pass him.
Then on the last lap the leader made a mistake and this time David passed him and won.
A-Main 2
In the second final David made som mistakes when battling with the car behind and they both got up-side-down and the car after could take the lead. David managed to go up to second place in this final.
A-Main 3
3 Drivers was possible winners infor the 3rd final, and again David made some mistakes when battling his way up to the first after some incident on the first lap.
He ended 3rd after this final, and we had 3 drivers on same points and Davids teammate Mikael Johansson took the victory with better time, David ended as 3rd.
In the total of the Swedish Cup we had Kyosho winners at 1st (PerErik Nordman), 2nd (Mikael Johansson) and 4th (David), so Kyosho have a good domination in Swedish 1/10 driving.
For David he still need more experience to drive 2WD .. it's going better for each race (as he was TQ), men must be more stable in the final.
Tomorrow it's 4WD and that's the thing he really likes.
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